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If God Knows What I Need, Why Should I Pray?

If God Knows What I Need, Why Should I Pray? by Kent Crockett

If God Knows What I Need, Why Should I Pray?

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If God Knows What I Need, Why Should I Pray? Kent Crockett ebook
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Incorporated
Format: pdf
ISBN: 9781619707375
Page: 250

How should I pray if I know God will give me everything I need in the right time? In this way Christians pray about a number of things, including praising God for who he is and what he's done for us, How do I know if God is speaking to me? Suppose, for example, that John prays, “Lord, I need rain on my field right now,” And God knows what's good for us and for those we pray for. Which inevitably leads to the question: If God knows what we need before we should not be seen as the sole sum and substance of prayers. UpdateCancel If God is an all-knowing being, why does one need to pray? Christian philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal (1623-62) wrote, "The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing … " This article Why do we need topray? We spend time with God because we depend on Him. A: Here are my top 10 reasons: #1. If we are to be obedient to His will, then prayer must be part of our life in Him. One key reason to pray is because God has commanded us to pray. If God knows all that is going on in our lives, if He knows our thoughts and our deepest longings, why do we need to bother praying? But a question that people often ask is, why, if God knows everything and is in control of everything, do we need to pray? If God already knows what we are going to pray for, why do we evenneed to pray? Why is it OK to ask God for favours when He knows so much better than i do?

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